Group Web Site

File Names for minimal Final Deliverables

(FAQs below)

Technical Review Papers
trpbillybob.docx Billy's source file
trpbillybob.pdf Billy's PDF file
trpgeorgeburdell.docx George's source file
trpgeorgebrudell.pdf George's PDF file
trpgeorgiaburdell.docx Georgia's source file
trpgeorgiaburdell.pdf Georgia's PDF file
trpjanedoe.docx Jane's source file
trpjanedoe.pdf Jane's PDF file
trpthelmalou.docx Thelma's source file
trpthelmalou.pdf Thelma's PDF file
Accepted Written Proposal
acceptedproposal.docx Proposal source file
acceptedproposal.pdf Proposal PDF file
Proposal Presentation
proposalpresentation.pptx Proposal Presentation source file
proposalpresentation.pdf Proposal Presentation PDF file
Group Picture
picturegroup.jpg A group picture
or Individual Pictures
picturebillybob.jpg Billy's individual picture
picturegeorgeburdell.jpg George's individual picture
picturegeorgiaburdell.jpg Georgia's individual picture
picturejanedoe.jpg Jane's individual picture
picturethelmalou.jpg Thelma's individual picture
Final Project Summary
Final Presentation
Final Written Report



Why do you want the file names to reflect group members' names?
So that the files can be programatically detected.
Only the last name needs to be included if it is unique within your group.

What if our pictures are not JPGs?
Fine, but use standard image file types such as GIF, PNG, TIF, BMP which render on contemporary browsers.

What if we use other than Microsoft Office products as our presentation or written documents?
Fine, include in the native source, but also include a PDF.

What if we have multiple presentation documents (e.g. a poster, and a Powerpoint)?
Fine, include them all, but include the one you consider as primary as finalpresentation.pdf.

What about our videos, other pictures, CAD, datasheet, code, and other files?
Fine, include what you need so that another group could reproduce or continue your project.
But, you need the minimal set of deliverables listed above with a PDF for each.

But we cannot find George's Technical Review Paper source file?
Fine, but include a placeholder document stating George's scenario.